Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fits and Starts Part III: Family Resemblance

I had never seen a baby picture of Justin before, I guess the classic 'show the girlfriend the embarrassing naked baby pic' trick never appealed to Justin's folks. Maybe they realized he just wouldn't be embarrassed. After they came down to visit, Geoff asked for some copies of their baby pics. The resemblance between Justin, his brother Geoff, and Russell is frightening - to say the least. I submit for your inspection:

(As always, you can click on the image for a larger view.) I'd make you guess who was who, but Russell's photo is so much more clear (and there is a nearly identical picture several posts back) that it wouldn't be fair. But for the record Geoff (at one week) is on the left, Russell (at 3 days) is in the middle and Justin (date unknown) is on the right.

Unbelievable. Makes me wonder if there are any of my genes in this kid.

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