Monday, July 7, 2008

Fits and Starts Part I: Cute baby pics

Turns out, it's hard to find enough time to do everything you want to do when you have a newborn(duh!) and sometimes I get to this blog and sometimes I don't, but I am constantly taking pictures and thinking about the blog even if I am not posting regularly. I assure you that postings will happen, even if they aren't particularly timely.

So, today is one of those 'catch up days', I expect to pop out 3 or 4 posts in the next 24 hours, things I have been meaning to post, and just haven't gotten to.

For instance, some random cute baby photos from the last week:

Thanks Grammie Sue for the blue blanket!

Mommy says "look cute for the photo!"

"I swear, it just fell from the sky!"

More to come...

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