Saturday, August 2, 2008

Barrell and Robertson visit

Russell finally got to meet the last of his grandparents and his aunt Kimmy and cousin Morgan on July 12th.

Auntie Kim holding Russell.

We had a good visit, despite my being very sick at the time (duct infection, fever of 102, not recommended...)

Cousin Morgan holding Russell. A very cute pair.

All were deliriously happy to meet him, unfortunately there are no pictures of grammie Sue with the baby...I think she planned that.

And the very (VERY) proud grandpa Bill with his daughter (moi) and grandson. I don't know when last I saw him that happy. Please forgive my shade of green - I really was not well. that day.

We had a lovely lunch and a good visit. I was sorry they couldn't stay longer. I can't wait to get another chance to see them all.

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