Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our most unphotogenic dog.

Let me start by saying how much I love my dog. She has her quirks (like being afraid of the baby), but she's also got a long list of wonderful traits. She's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, fastidiously clean, and very smart (assuming the scale you are using does not include border collies). She is also an incredibly beautiful dog.

In person.

Once you get a camera out, somehow my dog becomes unbelievably homely. Photos always make her look either developmentally delayed, like she's attacking someone, or simply looks (or walks) out of frame. Every time I decide to get a dog pic, I wind up with things that look like these:

The tongue.

The tic.

Or just crazed.

However, every once in a while, I get lucky and get something decent.

So, there are actually a lot fewer pictures of my dog on this blog than I would like, because they are SO incredibly hard to take.

Unrelated health update: After spending all day yesterday fighting a fever of 102 degrees, needing lots of cuddles and some tylenol, the Hug Monkey is back to his usual healthy happy self. He's such a great kid.

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