Friday, August 8, 2008

Back in the Burgh

I was oh, 8 months pregnant, when my boss came to me and said, "I have been invited to speak at a conference in Pittsburgh the last week in July, and I can't go, do you want to go and give the talk instead?"

Hmmm, had I not been pregnant, and known that I was going to have a roughly 6 week old baby that week I wouldn't have hesitated to say yes. As it was, I thought about it first, and still decided to go. It was too prestigious to pass up, particularly as a grad student, and it was at my undergraduate alma mater.

So, a few weeks ago now, the three of us piled in the car and drove to Pittsburgh. For three days, I would go down to the conference (in the hotel conference center) and come up between talks to feed the baby. Justin watched him while I was "being professional" and we had a good time. It was like a mini-vacation and conference rolled into one.

Before we headed back to NY, we stopped by the old haunts, and toured Phipps (where Justin and I got married seven years ago). It was particularly special to bring Russell there.

I miss the burgh. I just never fell in love with Long Island the way I did with the Burgh. Let's hope I can love Phoenix.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Barrell and Robertson visit

Russell finally got to meet the last of his grandparents and his aunt Kimmy and cousin Morgan on July 12th.

Auntie Kim holding Russell.

We had a good visit, despite my being very sick at the time (duct infection, fever of 102, not recommended...)

Cousin Morgan holding Russell. A very cute pair.

All were deliriously happy to meet him, unfortunately there are no pictures of grammie Sue with the baby...I think she planned that.

And the very (VERY) proud grandpa Bill with his daughter (moi) and grandson. I don't know when last I saw him that happy. Please forgive my shade of green - I really was not well. that day.

We had a lovely lunch and a good visit. I was sorry they couldn't stay longer. I can't wait to get another chance to see them all.

Busier than ever.

We've been a tad busy these last few weeks, and so I haven't been good about posting at all...but I have an excuse...see:

Yep. Still cute.

Posts to come in the next few days in my July wrapup...
- The Barrells and Robertsons visit Russell : check
- Conference and family trip to the Burgh!: check
- Back to work.
- and a picture story about the evils of monkeys!

All will include cute baby pics, so stay tuned.